Wednesday, May 20, 2009

mortgage melt-down

So it turns out that most of the "investment grade" mortgages that were done by Ameriquest were still owned by Ameriquest but they hired the wolf to manage the money.

The wolf ate the mortgagors and the securities and left Ameriquest holding an emply bag filled with defaulted mortgages that were caused by the wolf.

Who was the wolf? You only need to ask the Securities Exchange Commission who was the "Master Servicer" for Ameriquest [A.K.A. Park Place Securities, LLC]

look up series 2004-wwf1 and see what you see.

I know more than I'm telling, but do not want to be out for lible. So go see the truth. If you need help, let me know and I can give a link, what the hell, lets go there now:$/SEC/Filings.asp?File=333-118640-04
check this out and find the name of the "wolf."

Heaven help the little guy, the devil is already helping the "wolf."


Monday, May 11, 2009

alternative power

We are facing a demand for alternative power, but the government funding for such efforts is eclipsed by the other uses of funds.

If we look towards the military underwriting of foreign oil, where troops are sent to protect stable use of assets owned by other countries, and instead applied that money towards development of alternative energy, just think of what we could achieve!

And less soldiers would die>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thursday, May 7, 2009

water to clean your driveway

I was raised in a part of the country where the same cup of water was consumed 100 times before it went to the ocean. In california we believe that is gross and just want anything used to go away, down the drain and into the sea.

Because of this, we use water as if it is infinitely available, even, I see, to wash down a driveway instead of brooming.

Now our farmers of this "Caddilac Desert" are screaming because they can not grow crops that were destined for wetter environments. I am sorry for them, their paradigm was built on a water economy that was artificial and could not sustain itself forever. Reality is a hard teacher. We have a dry tap and thirsty people!

The world needs to look at water as more precious than oil, and expend the energy to keep it, reuse it and recycle it. Only then can we stop mining the earth for even more water and the minerals, such as arsenic, that come from the deeper aquifers.